Game Guide

Espionager user guide

(No ChatGPT or AI was used to generate any assets in this project)


Move: W, S, A, D

Shoot: Point and click

Stealth: Spacebar (Hold)



The player can move in 4 directions at a set speed. The player can shoot and move at the same time. The player can hold the Spacebar to use a charge of their stealth boxes, this hides the player from enemies for 5 seconds but will slow their movement speed to a crawl.

The player can shoot their gun as fast as they want by clicking Left Mouse in the direction of where they want to shoot (preferably at the enemy). Players can hold a maximum of 15 rounds for their pistol at a time. Players can pick up extra ammo from ammo pickups around the level.

The player will have to make use of their stealth skills to hide from enemies and sneak around them. As the player takes 3 hits before dying, the incentive to avoid engagements when possible is there. Enemies will spot the player if they are in direct line-of-sight (LOS).

When the player’s 15 health points are reduced to zero by either being shot at or melee’d by enemies, they die. When the player dies, they are presented with the restart button to restart the current level and try again.

When the player reaches the level transition doors, they are taken to the next level to continue the game.


The enemies in Espionager are seen wandering around each level, looking for the player and securing the level area. Eliminating each enemy is not required to finish the level, so avoiding them entirely is encouraged.

Enemies shoot their pistols at the player if the player enters their LOS. Enemies will stop shooting the player and return to normal behaviour when the player exits LOS.

Enemies take 2 shots to die (1 more than the player), so your shots better not be flukes, you have to land those shots or risk wasting ammo you could need later in the level.

Enemies will lead their shots in order to try to anticipate where the player is travelling to hit them while moving. You will have to move unpredictably to avoid shots, however this can be done with consistency once the player masters the movement.


Level 1:

Level 1 features 1 powerup, 2 enemies, and 4 tutorial nodes. These tutorial nodes are unique to level 1. The player will have to walk forward into the first room, either take on the enemy behind the crates or move on. The player is expected to be taken by surprise by the enemy in the hallway, this is to teach the player that enemies can see you from off screen and you’ll just have to learn their positioning to defeat them.

The exit door is in the top section of the map.

Level 2:

Level 2 has 4 enemies, 3 pickups, and new stealth box pickups. These new pickups replenish your stealth boxes by 1, with the assumption you’ll probably be using them in this level more extensively, with the additional enemies and cover to move between.

The exit door is in the bottom right section of the map.

Level 3:

Level 3 contains 5 enemies and 3 pickups. It is the largest level with the most enemies, thus there are also the most pickups, one of which is in an optional section, that the player doesn't need to enter to finish the level. 

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