

  • Aim = Mouse
  • Fire Ball = M1
  • Spacebar = Fire Lasers (when applicable)
  • Lindsay Mode (teleport ball to cursor) = L

AI was NOT used during this project.


Implemented features are the only ones included in this table   

Core Functionality (all levels) 24%
3 Ball Shooting

When mouse button is pressed (1 mark), ball shoots towards mouse (2 marks).

1 Ball movement

Ball follows a ballistic trajectory, i.e. like a ball thrown through the air (1 mark).

1 Ball collisions Balls collide with the buckets and the environment/side of the screen (1 mark).


Peg collision

Pegs disappear after a collision with a ball (2 marks). 

2 Next turn

The next ball can be shot only once the previous ball has come to rest in a bucket (1 mark; +1 mark for detecting ball is at rest for a short period of time, and doesn't incorrectly trigger when at velocity is low at the "top"/peak of a bounce).

(Note: Removed the requirement in this item about "5 seconds")

2 Ammo

The player should start each level with 5 balls (1 mark). Each shot should reduce the ball count by one (1 mark).

Level completion / game over The level ends in two ways: when the player has run out of balls (and some of the pegs remain) (1 mark), and when all the pegs have been destroyed (2 marks).
4ScoringImproved Score Display Score is updated as each peg is hit (1 mark).  A in-world popup of score is shown for each individual peg (1 mark), and for when a ball rests in a bucket (1 mark).

The final score for a level is calculated and displayed correctly: the sum of destroyed pegs (1 mark); plus the sum of the value of the buckets each ball is resting in at the end of the level (2 marks); plus any bonus awarded for a level.

Extra Functionality (all levels) 16%
4 Visual style and feel Game is aesthetically pleasing, and levels play well.
2 Lindslay-Mode Pressing L teleports the current ball to the current mouse position (1 mark). Ball velocity is reset (1 mark).
3 Sound Effects

Audio when ball is shot (1 mark). Audio when ball hits a peg (1 mark).

User Interface (all levels) 19%
5 Title screen with level select Can be same or separate scenes (note that if using separate scenes, SceneSwitcherKeys script will need to be modified -- see exam lecture). Should have title (1 mark), a suitable background (1 mark), and a way of jumping to all levels through the UI (3 marks).
2 In-game UI The amount of balls remaining is visually shown with either a number (1 mark) 
4 End of level success text Display a congratulations screen for 3 seconds after a level is completed (1 mark).
1 End of level failure text Display a failure screen for 3 seconds after all ammo is used without destroying all pegs (1 mark).
2 Cumulative Score Display the total running score across all levels (1 mark). "Animated" like the per-level score display (1 mark).
Level 1 – Default 2%
2 Functionality Simple level with no modifications.
Level 2 – Multi-Hit Peg 3%
2 Functionality At least one peg in the level which requires more than one hit to be destroyed.
1 Visual style Uses an appropriate visual representation to show the state of the peg (e.g. different visuals with 2 hits remaining to 1 hit remaining etc.)
Level 3 – Button 4%
2 Functionality Level contains a button, which when hit by the ball opens up a secret area that contains a bonus pickup.
2 Bonus Pickup Bonus pickup displays an onscreen bonus message including the bonus amount upon collision with the ball.
Level 4 – Checkpoint Bonus 5%
4 Functionality Level contains at least 3 checkpoints, which when hit in order by the ball result in a bonus which appears on-screen after the final peg is destroyed (1 mark). Checkpoints can be passed through by the ball rather than a normal collision (1 mark).
1 Visual Feedback Pegs visually show which number in the checkpoint sequence they are (i.e. have a number on them), and correctly show when the checkpoint has been activated.
Level 5 – Moving Pegs 3%
2 Functionality Moving pegs follow a predetermined path (1 mark) and cause balls to bounce of them appropriately (1 mark).
1 Correctly resetting Pegs only reset when level is reloaded, not after each shot (1 mark). 
Level 6 – Homing Missiles 4%
2 Spawns Missiles spawn from the sides of the screen every second when there is an in-flight ball (1 mark). Missiles only collide with the ball, and not the pegs (1 mark).
2 Functionality

Missiles seek the currently in-flight ball (and ignore the ball once it is in the bucket area) (1 mark) and destroy when they collide with it (1 mark).

Level 7 – Laser Bomb 4%
4 Functionality If the player presses spacebar while the ball is in flight, the ball shoots lasers in four directions (i.e. in a + pattern) (2 mark). Lasers that hit any pegs should destroy the peg (1 mark). Lasers can't penetrate pegs (i.e. it only hits pegs which are within line-of-sight) (1 mark). 
Level 8 – Cinemachine 4%
2 Level Introduction Level is larger and camera initially shows the entire level for one second (1 mark) before focusing on the top of the level area (1 mark).
2 During Play After ball is fired, camera follows it (1 mark). Continues to do so until ball comes to rest in a bucket and a new turn begins, and then smoothly transitions back to framing the top area of the level (1 mark).
Level 9 – Free Choice 6%
2 Playability  
2 Uniqueness  Admittedly not that unique, I didn't have any good ideas that I could've had time to work on by the time I got to this point.
2 Functionality  Multiple missiles to follow the target at once, rather than just 1 in the last level that had them.
Level 10 – Free Choice 6%
2 Playability  
2 Uniqueness  I'd say its pretty unique, and its in it's own space-themed level.
2 Functionality  Gravity well that pulls the ball around while its moving.


Build.zip Play in browser
Nov 03, 2023

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